
Showing posts with the label rantan tata family background

Family Backgroung of Ratan Tata

  FAMILY   BACKGROUND The Parsi community is believed to have lived in Persia (present – day Iran) hundreds of years ago.Their people gradually spread to all the countries of the world based on trade industry.In the same sequence, the Parsis also arrived in India centuries ago.Despite being spread across many regions of the world, their number is limited.They are considered particularly the worshippers of fire, but they also worship the sun, moon, and air.In the old days, the Parsi community gave special emphasis to archery, horse riding, and character-building. Changes in many areas were inevitable over time. Nevertheless, their perseverance on the purity of community and character is more or less still intact .As a community inclined towords preserving their heritage they do not encourage marriage outside their own societies, even if they married in close relationships, so that the purity of the caste could be preserved.This taboo is still present to a great extent.Even mentally,Pa

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